There’s one of these at every gym. You know exactly who I’m talking about. They’re not there to work out. They’re there to prance around in as little clothing as they can get away with. They’re there to be seen. You try not to notice. You try to avoid glances in their direction. But they are masters of stealing attention. They are gym bunnies.

It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, old or young, or even if you prefer great taste or less filling. They want you to look at them. They desperately want to be watched. They hold your gaze like some kind of twisted tractor beam for your eyes. They will not be ignored. They’ll do all that they can until you finally succumb and steal a glance by looking through the reflection of 3 or 4 different mirrors. But she sees you. You’ve fallen right into her trap. You are her prey. And thus the conquest for your gaze is over. She’s won.