This week’s art comes from Mike Lugaresi a stellar cartoonist and a pretty cool guy. I especially like the “He-Man” version of Michael there. Good stuff Lugaresi. Check out his Mike Bookseller series, which I regularly enjoy reading. Quality work right there.

And now, as has become tradition here at, we present you with a random list of things you may not have already known about Raccoon Toons.

1. You can always tell when I’m insanely busy when I start posting guest art. This week is especially crazy for me. I feel like I’m working 4 or 5 full time jobs. And yet, I am not receiving the income of a guy working 4 or 5 full time jobs. What the heck. But hey, if you would like to see your Raccoon Toons art posted on the website, draw some guest art of your own and email it over to me. I like getting email from people who read my work. And I always try to respond, even if it takes me a really long time. When I get guest art I save it for future use during busy weeks like this. Maybe yours will get posted. It’s even more likely if you send me Fig Newtons too. Just sayin’.

2. One of the most common questions I get are from people who want to know how old the characters are supposed to be. I’m not really sure how to answer that. I mean, they’re raccoons. How do raccoons age?? How many raccoon years equate to one human year? See, now you’re asking me to think and do some math and that just isn’t going to happen.

3. The town my characters live in was initially called “Oak Town” which was taken from a seriously awesome screenplay that I wrote, which was based off of a true story, which took place near a school called “Oak.” But most people around here think of “Oakland, CA” when they hear “Oak Town.” So I’m thinking of changing it.

4. There’s a secret ending to this animated cartoon I made. You have to click around to find it. In it is a landlord character. He looks and sounds like one of my former landlords. I was not a fan. He totally burned me on my deposit. Oh, and he thinks I murdered his friend. Seriously. I’m not joking. But that’s an entirely different story.

5. A lot of my female readers tell me they really relate to Wendy. Apparently I write women well. I’m not sure what that says about me… I’m going to go eat some beef and watch ESPN.

6. As a freshman in high school I took Japanese. When our final project was due, I didn’t know a lick of Japanese. Seriously, the only thing I could say was:  毎日、 3時では、私は大規模な牛を食べる。 So I created a comic book featuring my characters as they analyzed the difference between American and Japanese cartoons. There wasn’t any Japanese in it. Totally got an “A.” That’s the power of Raccoon Toons people.

7. Next month my web site traffic will drop. Apparently all of you are less likely to visit during the warm summer months. You’ll be back though. You all get really bored in the fall.

8. I hadn’t intended to use Bunny as a reoccurring character after her initial appearance, but she’s a fun character and the story demanded it. Also, a lot of my male readers seemed to really like her for some reason…

9. Some of you have purchased Sell-out raffle tickets. I’ve noticed. We’re gonna get there. No worries.

10. I have some really cool short film and animation projects in pre-production. Stay tuned. They should be fun. Assuming I ever finish these other jobs.

11. These lists used to go up to twenty-nine, but it’s seriously hard to think of twenty-nine things after already doing a few of these. So I’m sticking with eleven. Our lists go up to eleven.