It’s Election Day!!! So I put this week’s comic strip up a day early. I figured you could all use a little extra laughter today. Because the way I figure it, about half of you are going to be depressed by the end of the day.

But not me. Because I’m totally going to go start my OWN country. One with cookies for currency and plenty of affordable housing. Because my country is cool like that. We’ll call it: “Mattopia.” And it will be awesome. You will all beg me to live there. And I might let you. If you’re lucky. Whatever happens this Election Day, remember that we’re all people, even if we disagree on different issues. And if you promise to play nice, you might just be granted citizenship in Mattopia. You have to fill out an application first though. And promise to abide by the cookie tax.

Trust me. It’s worth it.