I’ve complained about this before. Hollywood is out of ideas. And I’m not just talking about Avatar although that is a pretty blatant rip-off from movies that came before.

Actually, you know what? I’m just going to come out and say it. I AM just talking about Avatar. I mean really. You all went ga-ga over that movie with all it’s special effects and fancy computer rendered visual eye candy. You went and nominated it for best picture. Best picture??? Really?? I mean sure it looks pretty, but c’mon! That story is so tired! Honestly, how many times can we rehash it over and over again?! How many times can our protagonists reach across cultural differences to find that which was truly missing from his life?? How many times can we learn that despite our differences we’re all the same on the inside?!?! How many times can our protagonist decide to fight with the native Indian metaphor against the American military metaphor?!?!

And you all love it. You ALL love it. And now the sequels are coming. But you know what? I can already tell you they won’t be any good. You know how I know?

Because the Dances With Wolves sequel still hasn’t been produced, and both Pocahontas II and FernGully 2 both went direct-to-video.