I’ve written at length on the topic of date planning in the past, so I won’t rehash my views concerning the matter.

Instead, I will take this opportunity to discourse on something that is really important:

Um…ok I got nothing. I’m sorry. I woke up early for a job this morning and no matter how many Red Vines and Fig Newtons I eat (yes…I know I’m not the healthiest eater in the world thank you very much), I’m afraid I can’t seem to bring my mind out of it’s current state of drowsiness.

So while I would normally take this moment to write about some sort of terrible problem or dilemma that currently vexes our society, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to settle for the jumbled words of a sleepy cartoonist.

But hey, there are HUNDREDS of crazy Matt writings in the archives on this site. I’m sure you can find a good one that will still provide you with all of the displays of my insanity that you’ve gotten so accustomed to reading every week.

After all, I’d hate to deprive you of that.