I am an avid complimentor of women. You might say I’m an addict. A woman-complimenting addict. There’s just no substitute for a classy woman, and I just genuinely admire them. I can’t help it. It’s fun. Maybe I’m too old fashioned. I just really enjoy complimenting girls, or doing fun little things for them. Sometimes it’s a problem. I try to really tone it down because I think a lot of girls would be weirded out and assume that I’m madly in love with them. That’s not the case, I just genuinely think a girl is fun, or beautiful, or clever, or talented, or whatever. So I try to bite my tongue from time to time. But every now and again I can’t resist any longer and I have to do something awesome. I’ll draw them a personalized cartoon, or make a card, or even write a song. I just really love to see the smile on a girl’s face when she’s told that she’s appreciated.

I think in this day in age, a lot of girls can’t take a compliment. I’ve met a few who would argue with my every time I tried to make them feel good about themselves. Yup. They actually would make me feel bad, for trying to make them feel good. Go figure. I think learning to take a compliment is a good quality for everyone to learn. Maybe if more people learned how to accept compliments easily, there would be more people who give them.