Sadly, all the quotes in today’s comic strip are all authentic encounters that I have had in the last month with women that I was [up until that point] interested in…

As my single life progresses I start to think maybe I could be able to overlook the reality TV watching tastes of the woman in the first panel despite the fact that she’s never seen Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Harry Potter. Maybe I could even put up with the supposed “huge baseball fan” who leaves the game an hour early for no good reason whatsoever. (Hint: there IS no good reason for such behavior.) I start to think after a while, maybe my standards are too high. Maybe I’m being too selective. Maybe I need to overlook minor differences of opinion or taste.

And then this week a girl said to me, “I hate cartoons. Cartoons are THE WORST.”

And that’s when I realized that she had no soul, and that I needed to start being far more selective in my dating.