Sometimes I am impressed and intimidated by people I know who do amazing things. They wake up early and go out into the world and accomplish so much. They work hard at their jobs, they’re super successful, they work with hundreds of people or for incredible causes. They create amazing art or writing or film and I grow envious of their apparent success. They give blood. Meanwhile, I’m barely scraping by with my stupid little go-nowhere jobs and a website full of talking raccoons. Granted, talking raccoons are pretty flippin’ sweet, but you can understand what I mean.

Sometimes I wish I could be more like those people. I wish I could achieve such success or notoriety. I wish I could walk down the street and people could say, “oh hey, there’s that guy who does flippin’ sweet cartoons.” (Although I DID get recognized at a local student film festival once.) Mostly I just wish I didn’t have to worry about careers and money so I could focus on the things that really matter and the things that are important to me. Like telling stupid little stories, and making flippin’ sweet cartoons.