Freeloader. Slacker. Mooch. Sponge. Locust. Bottom feeder. Bum. We all know one of these people. The guy who never brings anything to the table. The guy in the group who expects you to do all the work and then share in the credit. The guy who is always short a couple bucks. The guy who shows up and asks what’s for dinner. The roommate who eats all your leftover pizza when he thinks you’re all done with it. (Actually…I might be that roommate…)

We all know one of these people. Heck, at varying times in our lives (I’m looking at you college years) we’ve probably BEEN one of these people. But there comes a time in everyone’s life when you just can’t allow this behavior anymore. You need to speak your mind. You need to think of yourself. You have to stand up tall and proud and say:

“Dude. You need to start wearing your own underwear.”